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How to Insert line break in Text component in React Native

Hi, I was developing an application in react native.I have to handle lots of text data in this small react native application.I have used  Text component in react native many times. While working on this application,i had a requirement to display some text content with line breaks.I will explain it clearly with an example.I want to display a text as shown below  Welcome Please subscribe my channel I wrote react native code as shown below <View> <Text> Welcome Please subscribe my channel </Text> <View> When i run these lines of code,It will display text as shown below Welcome Please subscribe my channel   - instead of displaying in two lines with line break,it displays in a single line.So i have to find a solution to insert line break in Text component in React Native.After lots of research,i found a clean solution as shown below <View> <Text> Welcome{"\n"} Please subscribe my channel </Text> <View> Here i inserte

SQL Server Configuration Manager not showing in Start Menu Windows 7 Windows 8 Windows 10 Windows 11 fixed

Dear friends,

  • What is the command to open  Configuration Manager from command prompt.
  • Why Configuration Manager missing from start menu of system
  • Alternative way of opening SQL Server Configuration Manager using command prompt explained with video 

In this small article I am going to explain How to fix an error related to SQL Server  Configuration Manager. When i was trying to check   Configuration Manager in Start Menu,Unfortunately I could not find the Icon for Configuration Manager.But I fixed it using commands.I could open it using command prompt by executing some commands

So I suggest you to watch below video for better understanding.I will share the link below 

First you may open command prompt and go to C:\Windows\system32>

Then type the command as shown in the above image  


Then press ENTER key 

Immediately It will open SQL Server Configuration Manager window in the system.So by using Command Prompt with executing C:\Windows\system32>SQLServerManager10.msc ,I could easily open Configuration Manager

I hope you may also face this type of error while working with MS SQL Server.So my article may help you to find missing Configuration Manager from Start Menu of your System